Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sorry we haven't spoken

Dear God, so many wonderful things are happening in my life I completly forgot that it was You that was responsible. So please accept my apologies. I am grateful that Your patience is great and that You are slow to anger. I myself wish I was more like You.
Please keep me in Your thoughts and I will try and keep You in mine. Thanks again for everything

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fallen Angel

Never let your mistakes,sins and failings get in the way of God. Let your weakness be your strength. When you fail to live up to God's law and God's ways let it be a reminder to strive harder and have your faults be at the front of your mind so that you recognize them more easily and therefore in times of temptation you can ask for help. God is always there, even in your failings. He never deserts you because you failed. He wants you to get back up and get back on track and strive to do better. He will raise you up and out of your failings if you stay in touch and don't push Him away because of you self loathing. Like a loving and indulgent parent He forgives and forgets and wants nothing but the best for you His child. He never punishes you for your sins, that is just the devil trying to separate you from God when things go bad and you start to think that God is punishing you. God is always good never evil. bathe yourself in this wondrous thought.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Something God Can't Do

There is one thing God can not do. I know that you are wondering what that is and many are saying"there is nothing that God can not do, He is God. But I have discovered the one thing that He can not do. Lie. So when you hear God's words of comfort in the reading of the Bible and He says things like "I go before you to prepare a palace for you" then you can take it to the bank that it is going to happen, because God can not lie. Once I discovered this truth, I found much comfort when I really listened to the gospel readings and the words of Jesus. Many promises are made and all will be fulfilled because GOD CAN NOT LIE.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


When you let God do His work,it is amazing how things work out. Don't waste your time trying to figure out how God is going to get "it" done. Just believe and wait for the results. In hindsight it is always cool to observe the truly odd and strange twist that got you to the end result. Enjoy the fruits of Gods" labor. Don't sweat the "how"

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I am your Lord

I am your Lord your Master and your Friend
How awesome is that! Who could have a better boss or friend. Remind yourself of this fact. Repeat it to yourself in times of worry. You are my Lord my Master and my Friend. Help me Lord, and then feel the calm, the peace the release of all that weighs you down. Remember, no evil can stand the name of Christ so say it like a child calls out to his mother. Jesus help me, Jesus give me relief, Jesus free me from my worry. I will never let you down says the Lord. He speaks the truth

Friday, September 11, 2009

Joyful Joyful

Pure Joy! That is what you will experience with the surrender of your will. What a trade! Give up your weak pitiful will and trade it for God's great will. His will is simple. Love all, have compassion for all,never pass up the opportunity to see God in everyone and everything. Do Gods' will and in turn He will bless you with peace and joy and calmness that you have never experienced.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Clear the Fear

Clear all fear from your lives. Think"God is in control,He is my friend there is nothing that is out of His control." He is the Master, He will provide. There is no shortage of supply(whatever it is that you need)there is just a shortage of faith that He will provide. Give freely, your time,your love, your compassion. The blockage will clear and the supply will come. Clear your mind of worrying thoughts. Work,money,surgery, everything! Clear the fear and replace it with peace which in turn will bring joy. You are under God's wing, there is nothing you should fear.